HSbooster.eu is providing an opportunity for the standardisation experts to meet and advise Horizon Europe and H2020 projects on how best their research results can lead to the revision or creation of standards in different key areas.
Over 150 experts have registered to deliver services to projects. The Pool of Experts have expertise in standardisation working with National Standards Bodies, European Standards Organisations or international Standards Development Organisations. We're continuously updating this page with new experts as new members join.
Applications for the Open Call for Pool of Experts are now closed.
Thank you for your interest. As the first edition of HSbooster.eu concludes, the open calls for tailored standardisation support are now closed.
We’re exploring a second edition to continue supporting European R&I projects and experts. By expressing your interest below, you'll be among the first to hear about new opportunities when the next edition launches.
Stay Connected with HSBooster.eu: Express Your Interest in the Second Edition