In support of the EU Strategy on Standardisation, will provide a platform and opportunity for standardisation experts to meet and advise Horizon Europe, Digital Europe Programme and H2020 projects on how best their research results can lead to the revision or creation of standards.
If you have experience in contributing to National Standards Bodies, European Standards Organisations or international Standards Development Organisations, then you can apply to join our pool of experts and deliver consultancy support to projects. This may involve:
- Coaching in standardisation practices and procedures
- Specifying current state-of-the-art of standards
- Identifying areas for new standards / revised standards
- Advising on possible paths for open standards
- Pinpointing optimal standardisation workflows and timelines
If you wish to find out more about the role, opportunities and remuneration then visit our FaQ. You can also find out more about the different standardisation topics that are covered by
Applications for the Open Call for Pool of Experts are now closed.
Thank you for your interest. As the first edition of concludes, the open calls for tailored standardisation support are now closed.
We’re exploring a second edition to continue supporting European R&I projects and experts. By expressing your interest below, you'll be among the first to hear about new opportunities when the next edition launches.
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