Stay Connected with Looking Ahead to a Second Edition

With the first edition of approaching its conclusion, the open calls for tailored standardisation support are now closed.

However, we are happy to share that we are exploring the possibility of a second edition of HSbooster to continue supporting European R&I projects and experts in the standardisation process.

We will keep you informed about the developments. By expressing your interest via the form below, you will be among the first to connect with new opportunities when the new edition launches.

Expression of Interest form


We have updated our privacy policy. In order to continue, please confirm your consent below

Kindly indicate up to three open call topics for which you would like to receive (if project) or provide (if expert) advice on standardisation for EC projects. 
Indicate your areas of interest/expertise
Sustainable digitalisation
Green transition in Europe
Smart Cities and Circular Economy in Buildings
Select Health Open Call Sub-topic
E-health and personalised services
Design and use of medical services
AI in healthcare
Select Resilience Open Call Sub-topic
Robust supply chains
Climate resilience
Hybrid civil/defence
Data protection and cybersecurity
Select Sustainable digitalisation Open Call Sub-topic
Data quality and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Access to and usage of data
Data and cybersecurity
Quantum technology
Select Green transition in Europe Open Call Sub-topic
Clean energy
Materials (raw and secondary)
Green and sustainable production
Environmental impact
Select Smart Cities and Circular Economy in Buildings Open Call Sub-topic
Circular economy in the construction sector
Green buildings

By completing this form, you agree to be contacted about updates related to HSbooster. Your data will be stored securely and used exclusively for this purpose, in line with the Privacy Policy.

Thank you for your interest!