How the Booster works for EU Projects

Introduction offers a consultancy service to EU-funded projects seeking guidance on standardisation-related aspects of their research projects. Our aim is to assist projects in effectively navigating the standardisation landscape, ensuring their work aligns with relevant standards and maximising their impact in the market. This factsheet provides detailed information and instructions for projects interested in applying for the HSbooster or that have already applied and are waiting to start the consultancy service.

The application

If you seek support for your project’s standardisation activities, the first step is to submit an application for our Open Call.
The application is open to both ongoing and completed H2020, Horizon Europe and Digital Europe projects to receive practical guidance to assess the standardisation readiness of their project results and match them up with standardisation experts who can guide the project on how these results can feed into standardisation working groups or technical committees. To apply, you should provide information on the project, its standardisation-related objectives and what you hope to gain from the booster service.

To apply, you should provide information on the project, its standardisation-related objectives and what you hope to gain from the booster service.

After the application

After the application, an eligibility check is done to make sure that the applicant is a valid EU-project representative. Once the eligibility is passed, the project representative (i.e. the person who submitted the application on behalf of the project consortium) will receive an automatic confirmation from and will be allowed to set-up their profile and password for the website. In the meantime, an appropriate expert is looked for and matched with the project as soon as possible.

On average, you can expect to start the service around 1 month after the submission of the application. This time is needed for checks and administrative procedures for to sign a contract with the selected experts.

Consultancy Service

The HSbooster Consultancy Service focuses on providing expert consultancy on various standardisation-related aspects of a given research project. The consultancy aims to enhance the project's understanding and engagement with standardisation processes to achieve effective results.

Types of Consultancy Offered

  • Standardisation Mapping: Identification and assessment of relevant standards applicable to the project.

  • Suggestions on Standardisation Deliverables or Future Strategy: Recommendations for standardisation deliverables and strategic planning for future standardisation activities.

  • Understanding Standardisation Processes: Clarification on how standardisation works, including the development and adoption of standards.

  • Training Materials: Provision of training resources and materials related to standardisation processes.

  • Engaging with Standardisation Development Organizations (SDOs) or Technical Committees/Working Groups (TCs/WGs): Guidance on interacting with appropriate SDOs, TCs, or WGs relevant to the project's objectives.

  • Facilitating access to standards or TCs/WGs: The expert can help you access standards via Indeed can reimburse the fees for a maximum of 3 selected standards. Once the coordinator or another beneficiary of a project that has applied to purchases the standard via their national standard body, the project representative can ask for reimbursement. Similarly, if the project is interested in accessing Technical Committees (TCs), Subcommittees (SCs), and Working Groups (WGs), offers reimbursement for the fee of one person per R&I project to gain access to a national mirror committee. This access enables participation in the work at TC, SC, and WG levels for a period of one year. Please note that we do not however, provide funding for the hours that the R&I project invests in their participation.

You will be able to indicate your preferences and needs in the application form. If you request different types of support, the feasibility of your request can be discussed in advance with the expert, considering the effort constraints detailed below.

Effort Expected from Projects

To ensure a successful consultancy experience, projects are expected to:

  • Interact promptly with the expert assigned to them.

  • Attend scheduled meetings arranged by the expert.

  • Inform the team promptly if any struggles or challenges arise during the consultancy process.

  • Act upon the suggestions and recommendations provided by the expert and share their own perspectives.

  • Complete a compulsory survey at the end of the service on the HSbooster Standard Operating Platform (SOP).

Effort from Expert and Expected Duration of Service

The consultancy service is designed to be "light" and efficient, with an expert dedicating a maximum of 2 full working days to the project. This effort will be spread over a maximum timeframe of 3 months. If required, longer durations can be agreed upon based on specific needs, however always considering an equivalent effort of 2 days per service. Each service includes up to 4 calls of approximately 1 hour, between the project and the expert.

Possibility to request additional services

It's important to note that the HSbooster Consultancy Service is modular, allowing projects to apply for up to 3 services ( six equivalent working days) with the same or different experts. Customised requests can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Each service will have the same structure in terms of meetings, duration and effort as detailed in the previous section


By the end of the service, the project will receive a summary report compiled by the expert with the description of the meetings, activities performed and suggestions made. The report is available for the project on the platform. A feedback survey has to be filled-in on the platform by the project at the service completion.

Confidentiality of the Output

The report is confidential to the expert and the project. However, it may be accessed upon need by HSbooster team members, EC representatives, and the External Advisory Group members for quality check reasons. These individuals will not disseminate the report.

Accessing the Platform

To access the HSbooster Consultancy Service platform, please follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Insert the email used for the application and your password to login to the website.

  • Go to where you can track the progress of your assigned expert, read the activity report, and complete intermediate and final feedback surveys.

Promotion and Success Stories

After the completion of the service, projects have the opportunity to be featured as a success story on the HSbooster website. This includes promotion of their experience with and the assigned expert. Additionally, a dedicated flyer can be prepared to share the project's journey with that the projects can use for their own promotion as well.

Please feel free to contact the HSbooster team for further assistance or if you have any questions. We are excited to collaborate with you and support your project's standardisation goals.

Additional Interview Opportunity

Selected applicant projects may be given the chance to engage in a further interview and discussion with expert members from our External Advisory Group. This provides projects with an avenue to delve deeper into their experiences and interact with a broader range of experts.

Enhancing synergies among projects

Are you interested in enhancing standardisation-driven synergies with other projects in your field instead? If you already have a group of similar projects in mind, we have an exciting opportunity for you. can organise a dedicated webinar focusing on standards mapping, specifically tailored to a selected topic of common interest among the group. No need to go through the application process for this particular case. Simply send us an email providing information about your project, the other projects working in your field and your common area of activity. Our team will carefully evaluate the feasibility of organising a standards-focused event that will benefit all participants. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to enhance your project's impact.