NanoMECommons - Driving clarity in materials characterisation
The NanoMECommons project addresses a critical need for consistency and clarity in materials characterisation and modelling terminology.

INFINITECH and FAME - Standardisation in Financial and Insurance Technologies
INFINITECH and its successor project, FAME, recognised the importance of standardisation to ensure interoperability, security, and scalability within financial and insurance technologies.

SINGLE – Setting the Standard for Ammonia in the Hydrogen Value Chain
SINGLE is a pioneering project exploring ammonia's role within the hydrogen value chain and its potential as a clean energy carrier. As a highly experimental initiative, SINGLE required guidance on navigating the complex standardisation landscape for hydrogen and ammonia technologies.

H2Value – Shaping Standards for Green Hydrogen Implementation
H2Value, a project committed to advancing green hydrogen technologies, sought expert guidance to navigate the complexities of standardisation and align its activities with relevant European and international frameworks.

IDERHA and the Health Cluster - Advancing Health Data Standardisation
The IDERHA project, in collaboration with ASCAPE, iHELP, Bigpicture, EUCAIM, and HealthData@EU, formed a health project cluster to address shared standardisation challenges in health data.

SELFY – Pioneering Resilience and Security in CCAM through Standards and Interoperability
SELFY addresses the critical challenges of ensuring resilience and cybersecurity in Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM).

NetworkNature – Advancing Standards for Nature-Based Solutions
NetworkNature recognised a critical need to integrate Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) into the standardisation landscape to ensure broader recognition, impact, and adoption.

BEST4Hy – Pioneering Standards for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Recycling
BEST4Hy, a project focused on developing and validating recycling techniques for hydrogen fuel cell technologies, identified a pressing need to align its innovations with existing and emerging standards.

SNS OPS - Building a Standardisation Tracker for 6G
The SNS OPS project supports the operations of the SNS Joint Undertaking, facilitating the European SNS Initiative as outlined in its contractual partnership. Its work focuses on coordinating Smart Networks and Services projects.

AVANT - Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials
AVANT addressed the human health risk posed by excessive antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine due to the potential transfer of resistant bacteria. Focused on managing pig enteritis, AVANT explored various solutions.

Increasing bio-aerosol sensing/measurement capability of CBRN practitioners
HoloZcan is an innovative initiative focusing on enhancing societal resilience against Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) incidents.

5G Applications and Devices Benchmarking
TRIANGLE has refined its findings to create a focused framework that captured the interest of ITU-T Q17/12, leading to the Y.TestBed standardisation initiative. This initiative presented a structured testbed setup and methodology to evaluate the QoE of multiple 5G and beyond mobile use cases.