Full Name:
Shakira Maria Bedoya Sanchez
Job title: Senior Operational Risk Manager –Asset Management Business Controls
Organisation Name: Danske Bank
Country: Denmark
Open Call Topics
- Resilience
- Robust supply chains: Business continuity, Risk management
- Climate resilience: Climate adaptation
- Denmark: DS – Dansk Standard
Technical Committees and Working Groups
- ISO/TC 68/AG 2: Financial Services "Standards Advisory Group"
- ISO/TC 68/AG 4: Financial Services "Sustainable Finance Advisory Group"
- ISO/TC 68/TAG 1: Financial Services "Fintech Technical Advisory Group"
- ISO/TC 207/SC4/WG 7: Environmental Management "Green Debt Instruments"
- ISO/TC 292/WG2: Security and Resilience "Continuity and Organizational Resilience"
- ISO/TC 309/WG1: Governance of Organizations "Guidance for the Governance of Organizations"
- ISO/TC 309/WG4: Governance of Organizations "Compliance Management Systems"
- ISO/TC 309/WG5: Governance of Organizations "Guidance for Efficiency Measurement"
- ISO/TC 309/WG6: Governance of Organizations "Governance Maturity Model"
- ISO/TC 322/AHG 2: Sustainable Finance "Future Standards Development"
- ISO/TC 322/TAG 1: Sustainable Finance "Sustainable FinTech"
- ISO/TC 322/WG1: Sustainable Finance "Sustainable Finance Framework"