Building the Standardisation Training Academy
Experiences and lessons learned from Standardisation Training in Europe
11:00 13:00 CEST - 27th September 2022 | Online Workshop
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Standardisation and standards can be valuable means for transfer, commercialisation, and valorisation of research results of the EC funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. However, processes of standardisation and activities of research projects have different dynamics, and general awareness of standardisation among researchers is low. This workshop aims to gather academia, standardisation professionals, and experts to discuss their experiences and lesson learned in standardisation training. Furthermore, this workshop will raise the question of serving the needs of EU projects in training standardisation skills – what skills are needed and how they can be improved.
Target Participants
- Standardisation experts with experience in Training and education
- EC-funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects with an interest in standardisation.
- Policy makers and decision makers.
- Representatives from ESOs, NSBs and SDOs.
11:00 - 11:10 Framing the workshop and its scope - Nicholas Ferguson, Trust-IT Services & Coordinator,
11:10 - 11:20 The missing parts of the standardisation puzzle – What we learned from the EC’s Scoping Study for the Code of Practice on Standardisation - Gergely Tardos, Policy Officer at Directorate General for Research and Innovation of European Commission
11:20 - 11:30 The Standardisation Training Academy - Ivana Mijatovic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational Sciences
11:30 - 12:10 Roundtable with speakers (how to serve the SMEs community, the EUOS Standards Academy, valorisation of R&I results on Standardisation)
- Ray Walshe, Professor at Dublin City University (CHAIR)
- Marija Jankovic, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Information Technologies Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece
- Ivana Mijatovic, Full Professor at University of Belgrade
- Brian McAuliffe, Director of Technology Standards at HP
- Maitane Olabarria, Secretary General at Small Business Standards (SBS)
12:10 - 12:55 Roundtable discussion on current training and educational programmes
- Pernille Arendsdorf Bengtsen, Project Manager at Dansk Standard (CHAIR)
- Daniel Masso Aguado, Head of Knowledge and Agenda 2030 at UNE
- Hermann Behrens, Head of Science and Research Relations at DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V
- David Boswarthick, Director of New Technologies (NET) at ETSI
- Ashok Ganesh, Director Market Perspectives & Innovation at CEN CENELEC
- Daniele Gerundino, member of the board of the Italian Study Center on Standardization (UNI) & Professional affiliate with the St. Anna University of Pisa (Italy)
12:55 - 13:00
The last word – Main takeaways from the workshop - Nicholas Ferguson
Download the presentations here.