Standardisation for the Cyber Resilience Act

26th February 2025, 11:00-12:00 CET

Co-organised by,, & Stan4CR

Latest news and how to contribute 

For professionals involved in EU cybersecurity, understanding the implications of the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and the standardisation request is not just beneficial, but essential for shaping the security of their digital products.
This webinar brings you bang up to date with the current status of the CRA and progress on how the European Standardisation Organisations are responding to the much anticipated Standardisation Request. This includes information on the Working Groups relevant to the CRA and the timeline for the implementation of both horizontal and vertical standards. We’ll hear from the key players in this process including Filipe Jones-Mourao, Cybersecurity & Digital Privacy Policy at DG Connect, and Lucia Lanfri, CEN-CENELEC.

With the current focus on the drafting and consensus building of the horizontal standards cited in the draft SReq, the webinar also highlights related events planned by the Danish National Standardisation Body DANSK in the frame of the STAN4CR EU-funded project. The event also provides information on how European stakeholders can access funding to contribute to the development of standards in this area through the’s 4th Specific Service Procedure.


  • 11:00 | Welcome and introduction
    Nicholas Ferguson, Trust-IT Services & HSbooster and Cyberstand coordinator
  • 11:05 | The Cyber Reslience Act and where we stand
    Filipe Jones-Mourão, Cybersecurity & Digital Privacy Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • 11:20 | The CRA Standardisation Request - Timelines and related Working Groups
    Lucia Lanfri, Project Manager, CEN-CENELEC
  • 11:30 | The Cyber Reslience Act and the horizontal standards
    Berit Aadal, Chief Consultant, Danish Standards
  • 11:40 | Contributing to CRA standards through - CRA Framework Standard Development
    Maria Raphael, Raphael Legal | @Privacy Minders
  • 11:50 | Questions from the audience
  • 12:00  | Event ends
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