HSbooster will join the 2024 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly to present its services with a promotional stand and a session during the 11:15 - 12:15 Parallel Session Slot 1 - MSCA Contribution in bridging R&I and standardisation.
MCAA is an international non-profit organization established and supported by the European Commission but entirely run by volunteer members and with a bottom-up approach at its core. The MCCA Annual Conference and General Assembly brings together over 400 MCAA community members including career stages from all disciplines, encouraging networking and cooperation, making the MCAA a forum of debate between researchers, former researchers, and with the society.
HSbooster will join the 11:15 - 12:15 Parallel Session Slot 1 - MSCA Contribution in bridging R&I and standardisation to present its services, which provide free standardisation support for entities navigating the complexities of standardisation.
The objective of the session will be to raise awareness among MSCA fellows, alumni, and overall community on the new Code of Practice on standardisation in the European Research Area and promote the services and tools available to implement it. A roundtable involving reps from the European Commission, standardisation bodies, MSCA projects active on standardisation and HSBooster (a platform to support Horizon Europe projects engage with standardisation bodies and fora) will address key questions related to how MSCA could better promote the interaction between the researchers and standardisation communities and environments for mutual benefits, notably through collaborations in projects (eg through secondments or exchanges) or training, in order to get researchers more familiar with and involved in pre-normative research and the standardisation process to valorise their project results.
The session will see two projects that have benefitted from HSbooster.eu Premium services to enhance the impact of their research through standardisation.: ROMSOC presented by Andres Prieto Aneiros, Universidade da Coruna, and PREMUROSA: Lia Rimondini, University of Eastern Piedmont /Ilijana Kovrlija, Riga Technical University. Nicholas Ferguson, Coordinator of HSbooster.eu will present the booster services too at the session.
HSbooster.eu will also have an information stand, providing attendees with an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the services offered, showcasing how they amplify the impact of research.