Joint training session and StandICT 2026
Thursday 1 February 2024 | 10:00-11:30 CET
Standardisation is one way to valorise research results, and many research projects aim to expand the network of users for their outcomes through participation in standardisation processes. In research processes, time is often seen as one of the causes of problems related to standardisation. Research projects have limited time, and standardisation activities require research to have practical results that could be subject to standardisation. Additionally, standardisation activities often require more time than research projects last. In many research project proposals, it is not easy to promise the development of a certain standard or technical specification. How can we increase the certainty that standardisation activities within research projects will have adequate results? And how can we align research activities with standardisation activities?
This training session is dedicated precisely to these issues. The joint training session of the and initiatives aims to clarify when the right time for standardisation in research processes is.
Our guest speaker, Christian Goroncy, senior project manager from the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), will provide basic information on how DIN supports researchers and outline the process of developing DIN SPEC within research projects. Professor Knut Blind, one of the most prominent researchers in the field of standardisation, will provide some insights into the best practices related to time for standardisation in research processes.
Who should attend?
The training session is intended for the researchers who participate in EU-funded R&I projects and anyone interested in the basics of standardisation.
- Knut Blind, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Business Unit Innovation and Regulation and Technische Universität Berlin Faculty of Economics and Management, Germany
- Christian Goroncy, senior project manager DIN, the German Institute for Standardization, Germany
- 10:00-10:15 Introduction & Welcome Note, Ivana Mijatovic, Training Academy Lead, UoB
- 10:15-10.45 Support provided by DIN to researchers & introduction to the DIN SPEC
Christian Goroncy, senior project manager DIN, the German Institute for Standardisation
1st Mentimeter Session - 10:45-11:10 When is the right time for standardisation in research processes
Knut Blind, TU Berlin
2nd Mentimeter Session - 11:10-11:30 Q&A and Closing