Thank you for joining us on the first webinar.
If you want to watch it again, the recorded webinar and speakers' presentations are now available below.
Standards are at the cornerstone to build a resilient European Single Market enabling companies to demonstrate compliance with EU regulations, creating a level playing field for businesses and increasing consumer confidence. Transferring R&I results to a standards-setting organisation further extends exploitation by spurring innovation. This ensures the uptake and wider use of new technologies and inventions, guaranteeing interoperability and compatibility, providing quality and safety levels, and codifying knowledge in clear and specific ways.
This Webinar featured the entire Consortium and presented the unique opportunity offered by the newly launched initiative, whose key goal is to provide professional consultancy services to guide and support beneficiaries and consortia of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe R&I projects to make sure they take the right strategic approach and contribute efficiently to the Standardisation process in critical areas envisaged in the recently issued European Standardisation Strategy.
- Ioannis Sagias, European Commission Deputy HoU for valorisation policies and IPR – "EC Perspective & expectations"
- Nicholas Ferguson, Project Coordinator & COMMpla's Senior project Manager (Moderator) – "Intro of, EU Standardisation Strategy"
- Signe Annette Bøgh, Project Manager at Dansk Standard – "What’s in store for H2020 & Horizon Europe initiatives with the first Open Call & the tangible benefits for R&I projects to step into the Standardisation arena"
- Ivana Mijatovic, Full Professor at University of Belgrade – "Standards Training Academy: boosting technical expertise in Standards for the research community"
- José Lucio Gonzàlez, SGS CyberLab Madrid Manager – "The importance of Standards Market uptake & the implications for R&I projects"
- Ray Walshe, Chair of External Advisory Group & Professor at Dublin City University – "The Open Call for Standards experts"
Download the presentations here.