Full Name:
Panos Kudumakis
Job title: Digital Media Standards, Technology, Policy and Strategy Senior Advisor and Consultant
Country: United Kingdom
Linkedin Profile
Project Assignment/s
Open Call Topics
- Sustainable digitalisation
- Data quality and Artificial Intelligence: AI-based decision-making solutions (HR, legislation, labour), Circular data, Data interoperability, Ethical data usage, Intelligent factories, Trustworthy AI
- Access to and usage of data: Blockchain and digital logbook, Circular data, Common European data spaces, Data interoperability, Digital twins, eGovernment, eID, Ethical data usage, Internet of things, Internet protocols
- ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- BSI – British Standards Institution
Technical Committees and Working Groups
- Head of UK Delegation - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information (MPEG & JPEG)
- Chair - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 03 MPEG Systems Smart Contracts for Media Subgroup
- Liaison - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 to ISO TC 307/WG 3 on Smart Contracts and their applications
- Chair - IST/37 Coding of pictures, audio, multimedia and hypermedia information (mirror committee to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29)
- Expert - ICT/1 Information systems coordination (mirror committee to ISO/IEC JTC 1 Joint Technical Committee on ICT)
- Expert - MPAI Moving picture, audio and data coding by AI