- Beginner 2, Course 4.1
Metrology, the science of measurement, seems to be the oldest of three core components of QI. Nowadays, metrology has become one of the most sophisticated sciences and one in which cooperation across the world is absolutely essential to maintain modern technology. Over the last few decades, metrology has changed significantly, especially considering the majority of technological developments, such as electronics, computers, micro-technology, lasers and many more that have pushed measurement capability to unbelievable accuracy. QI relies on a national measurement system that ensures that measurements are made with appropriate accuracy and reliability and may be related to other measurements made domestically or internationally. 4 This is essential to ensure the compatibility of trade and commerce. Measurement also underpins testing, as many items require calibration by specialist laboratories to ensure that such tests are traceable to international measurement standards. 6 Manufacturing also requires consistent and reliable measurements for the interoperability of components, as do measurements associated with traded commodities.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Understand that metrology has become one of the most sophisticated sciences and one in which cooperation is essential to maintain modern technology;
- Understand that Quality Infrastructure (QI) relies on a measurement system that ensures that measurements are made with appropriate accuracy and reliability and may be related to other measurements made domestically or internationally; and
- Understand that National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) are responsible for providing the measurement capabilities within their economies and maintaining measurement capabilities at levels which provide comparability with institutes from other economies.