European Standardisation System

  • Beginner 1, Course 4

The European Standardisation System has an important role in establishing and strengthening the European Single Market. It is a unique standardisation system in the world, primarily because once published, the European Standard becomes the national standard in the 34 European countries, which enables the free circulation of services and products, facilitating cross-border trade – within Europe and the rest of the world.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  1. Understand the European standardisation system;
  2. Distinguish European organisations for standardisation;
  3. Access to European organisations for standardisation easily; and
  4. Understand how standards support European legislation.




Training Session 2_15 Jun 2023
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B1 C4
Beginner 1
Training Courses
Training Sessions
University of Belgrade in Serbia
Ana Kicanovic