Register Now! New HSbooster.Eu WEBINAR On Standardisation In The Health Sector

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New WEBINAR on Standardisation in the Health Sector

7 September 2023, 15:00-17:00 CEST

The webinar “Standardisation in the Health Sector” aims to shed light on the critical role of standards in the healthcare industry and foster a deeper understanding of their integration.

This event will offer valuable insights into the application of standards in key areas such as health informatics, artificial intelligence, risk management of health information technology systems, and the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Join the event to elevate healthcare practices, boost interoperability and effectively utilise research outcomes through standardisation.


The Open Calls will provide the opportunity for ongoing or complete H2020, Horizon Europe and Digital Europe projects to apply for practical guidance to assess the standardisation readiness of their results and match them up with standardisation experts who can guide the projects on how their results can feed into standardisation working groups or technical committees.

The call will run continuously until the start of 2024.

APPLY NOW at the EURAS 2023 Conference

27 June 2023, 15:45 CEST

On the first day of the conference, 25+ professionals from all over the world dived into the HSbooster and House of Knowledge Serious Smiley Game, a role-playing game that aims to develop the soft skills needed in #standardisation processes.

The experience was very useful for participants, as highlighted in their very positive feedback.

By playing the game, they improved their argumentation skills, understanding of the standardisation context and strategic thinking necessary to work within a Technical Committee (TC) or Working Group (WG).


The 2023 State of Open Standards report from the Linux Foundation

Standards, often hidden in the intricate web of our technological systems, play a pivotal role in shaping decision-making and fostering innovation.

To better understand how these standards are developed and adopted in the ICT section, the Linux Foundation has recently published the 2023 State of Open Standards report.

The survey asked respondents about their involvement in standards, the value of and growth in standards, and what challenges they have experienced in this practice.

READ THE REPORT Training Academy Launches Six New Training Modules on Quality Infrastructure’s Training Academy has just released new versions of six training modules on Quality Infrastructure.

They offer readers valuable insights to enhance business efficiency, market competitiveness and sustainability.

Explore each module's unique focus and unlock the keys to success in the ever-evolving business landscape.


Why to Apply for FREE Standardisation Consultancy Services

Are you looking to maximise the impact of your research project through standardisation?

Standardisation is the key to maximizing scientific results, but navigating the standardisation process can be challenging for research projects. is here to bridge the gap and guide you on your journey.

Watch the video to learn more and visit to get in touch with us for additional information. 


SEEBLOCKS - Apply to become an expert evaluator to support Europe's Effort in Blockchain/DLT Standardisation!

The call will be open from the 24th of August 2023 and will be closed on the 29th of September 2023

The SEEBLOCKS External Pool of Evaluators will gather a set of 10+ recognised experts in the Blockchain/DLT area, including emerging sub-topics such as identity management, Data provenance, governance, token & asset creation & exchange, process optimization, automation, cybersecurity and applied game theory and other.

10+ members will be instrumental in ensuring an impartial, transparent and consistent review process of applications to the Selecting and Engaging Procedures (SEPs) and will be thoroughly selected by the Consortium’s partners from the Call for Evaluators open until next 29th of September 2023.

APPLY NOW Training academy


The Standardisation Training Academy is an efficient mechanism and accessible hub for training knowledge, expertise and skills in the field of standardisation. 

Through our training programs, we aim to support the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can effectively engage with standardisation practices and promote their adoption in the industry.

Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner, our training academy provides resources that align with the highest standards of quality and excellence in standardisation education.

Unlock Your Potential with the Horizon Standardisation Booster
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