Project Name: High performance sustainable bio-based packaging with tailored end of life and upcycled secondary use
Open Call Topic(s): Green transition in Europe
PRESERVE develops solutions to improve the recyclability of food packaging. PRESERVE is committed to developing bio-based food packaging by enhancing bio-coatings in order to improve packaging recyclability. At the same time, PRESERVE makes sure that these materials can be upcycled into new containers and textiles for non-food applications. PRESERVE will develop 10 common packaging items that are 100% based on renewable resources with a minimal environmental impact and improved recyclability in order to easily reintroduce the materials in a circular economy.
PRESERVE´s main objectives are, therefore, to:
- Enhance bio-based packaging in terms of properties that currently limit the application of bioplastics as well as in terms of end-of-life.
- Develop upcycling technologies of plastics for food and drinks packaging transforming them into new materials or products of better quality or environmental value, ensuring that micro-plastics are avoided, with personal care and transport packaging applications.
- Develop novel standards and certification schemes applicable to packaging materials made from recyclable and biodegradable bio-plastic.
Reason for applying to services
PRESERVE is applying for the Booster to obtain support in the use of standards, the liaison with bodies and committees and the introduction of revisions or new standards, in detail.
Main Standardisation Interests
One of the main objectives of PRESERVE is to Develop novel standards and certification schemes applicable to packaging materials made from recyclable and biodegradable bio-plastic. PRESERVE will develop 10 common packaging items that are 100% based on renewable resources. the responsible partners are working on the development of these demonstrators as we speak.
EUBP is the task leader of Standardisation and Regulatory Frameworks, within WP8 on Value chain roadmap and innovation impacts.
The aim of this task is to evaluate the current EU policies and regulations related to bio-based packaging, their recycling and upcycling, and the sustainability of bio-packaging products throughout their life cycle with a view to proposing the incorporation/modification of these policies to ensure that they take into account environmental, social and economic considerations in link with the outcomes of WP7.
Relevant standardisation and certification landscape for PRESERVE will be continually assessed at international, EU and national levels. PRESERVE findings will be captured by EUBP for fueling the evolution of different standards (e.g. regarding recycling, biodegradation, recycled and/or bio-based content, etc.), certification (e.g. sustainable sourcing for bio-based materials) and labelling schemes. An in-depth exchange will be established with the relevant standardisation bodies, technical committees (CEN/TC 411- Bio-based products and CEN/TC 249 - Plastics), and with the most important independent certifiers in the field of bioplastics (Vinçotte and DIN CERTCO). EUBP will curate the provision of policy recommendations regarding resource efficiency improvement, waste management, recycling and EoL scenarios tuned for specific applications, that could be used by standardization bodies in the reflection about new/ improved standards.
Project Acronym: PRESERVE

Grant Agreement Id: 952983
Start Date:
End Date:
Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.4. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Biotechnology
Call for proposal: H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020
Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action