Project Name: Policy Management through technologies across the complete data lifecycle on cloud environments.
Open Call Topic(s): Sustainable digitalisation
The Policy Cloud project will harness the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud technologies to improve the modelling, creation and implementation of public and business policy.
Funded under the European Commission’s H2020 programme and over a three-year period from January 2020 to December 2023, Policy Cloud will deliver a unique, integrated environment of curated datasets, and data management, manipulation, and analysis tools.
The project will address the full lifecycle of policy management using the data analysis capabilities of the European Cloud Initiative.
Our 14-partner consortium is led by ATOS Spain and represents a diverse range of large companies, cloud providers, SMEs, research centres, and policy makers. Together we offer the skills combination required for effective, data-driven policy co-creation and cross-sector optimisation.
During the course of the project, our expertise will be practically demonstrated in three thematically distinct Pilot use cases to be run in diverse European cities, positively impacting both economic growth and the lives of the citizens concerned.
Reason for applying to services
Policy Cloud partners have defined a Multilayer framework for Interoperability, and identified the need for a Policy Model standard. Policy Cloud would like to define a (white) paper on this topic and use it to contribute to relevant and ongoing discussions. For this we would like to leverage the connections and expertise of the HSbooster.
Note that we would like to start as soon as possible, as the project finishes in December. If the HS Booster team believes a white paper is indeed the best approach for us we would like to start working on this soon, as we have most of this content already defined in different deliverables and exercises. Ideally, we also present these results at the EBDVF2022 (21-23 November).
Main Standardisation Interests
The Policy Cloud Standardisation task will ensure that the project work uses and is in line with the relevant global standards, as well as identify appropriate sections of the research that are brought into the standardisation process fostering dialogues with relevant bodies in order to share potential findings and innovations made by PolicyCLOUD that could contribute to standards. Activities in the task will contribute towards generating or contributing to representative standards and proposing and promoting them to the appropriate standardisation bodies. The task involves identifying the relevant standardisation bodies and standardisation projects, on a global level. PolicyCLOUD plans to engage with:
- CEN (European Committee for Standardization: Best practices for the adoption of PolicyCLOUD methodology and tool by municipalities across Europe
- W3C JSON-LD: The project will make use of JSON-LD for representing and publishing open linked dataset. PolicyCLOUD will introduce JSON-LD contexts (i.e. metadata & annotation) for all the domains of the project’s use cases
Project Acronym: Policy Cloud

Grant Agreement Id: 870675
Start Date:
End Date:
Programme: H2020-EU.3.6. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Europe In A Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative And Reflective Societies
Call for proposal: H2020-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2018-2019-2020
Funding Scheme: IA - Innovation action