Project Name: Moore4Medical, accelerating Innovation in Microfabricated Medical Devices
Moore4Medical brings together 66 selected companies, universities and institutes from 12 countries that will develop open technology platforms for six selected emerging medical domains to help them bridge “the Valley of Death” in a shorter time and at a lower cost. Open technology platforms used by multiple users for multiple applications with the prospect of medium to high-volume markets are an attractive proposition for the European industry. The combination of typical MedTech and Pharma applications with an open platform approach will enhance the competitiveness for the emerging medical domains addressed in Moore4Medical. With value and IP moving from the technology level towards applications and solutions, defragmentation and open technology platforms will be key in acquiring and maintaining a premier position for Europe at the forefront of affordable healthcare.
Reason for applying to services
To be honest, standardisation is always something in the back of every bodies mind, and for sure, during every project review, there are questions related to standardisation, but in general, partners have no clue where to start such a process and what is involved. Additionally, many also do not have "the bandwidth" to heavily engage in such a process. So guidance and help is welcome here!
Main Standardisation Interests
Open technology platforms that can be used by multiple users for multiple applications can only work if there is an element of standardisation so that potential users can work and interface with these platforms. I think that in Moore4Medical there are especially four platforms that could especially benefit from standardisation:
- Data security for wearable medical devices, A large international consortium led by CSEM in Swiss is working here on new technology to ensure data security between a wearable medical device and the care provider.
- Organ-on-Chip, in this part of the project, a pre-competitive Organ-on-Chip smart well plate is developed that will bring organ-on-Chip devices from multiple manufacturers in a format that can be handled by pharma. The consortium is aware of the work of the Organ-on-Chip focus group by CEN/CENELEC FCOOC
- Ultrasound power transfer, A technology is being developed to transfer power to and to communicate with implantable medical devices by means of ultrasound
- Smart drug delivery, a technology platform, is being developed to ensure that people take expensive medicines in their home environment in the proper way.
Project Acronym: Moore4Medical

Grant Agreement Id: 876190
Start Date:
End Date:
Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Call for proposal: H2020-ECSEL-2019-1-IA-two-stage
Funding Scheme: ECSEL-IA - ECSEL Innovation Action