
Project Name: Supporting the Regional Development of the Green Hydrogen Fuel Value Chain for Transportation in Estonia and Latvia

Open Call Topic(s): Green transition in Europe


The aim of the H2Value (Supporting the Regional Development of the Green Hydrogen Fuel Value Chain for Transportation in Estonia and Latvia) project is to establish the first interregional green hydrogen value chain in South Estonia (Tartu region) and Northern Latvia (Vidzeme region) to activate the emerging hydrogen markets in these regions. Making strategic investments in kick-starting the cross-border hydrogen value chain – including infrastructure, production, storage, and transport – is expected to create a greater market pull for hydrogen in Estonia and Latvia and to help overcome some of the major market failures. More specifically, high TRL (9) technologies will be piloted along the green hydrogen value chain, including setting up a small-scale green hydrogen production plant based on solar energy, establishing a green hydrogen refuelling station (HRS), piloting a hydrogen fuel cell bus and a waste truck in urban test sites, and testing the transportation of green hydrogen via road. This will be coupled with business planning efforts for exploiting the test results beyond the project lifetime and outreach activities to quadruple helix stakeholders to raise awareness of hydrogen technologies and provide input for policymaking. Besides facilitating a wider scale-up of hydrogen technologies and capacities in the two regions, H2Value will provide a blueprint for setting up green hydrogen ecosystems in other smaller regions, especially in the new EU member states, thereby supporting the idea of working towards interregional green hydrogen value chains.

Reason for applying to HSbooster.eu services

We believe that the service will help us gather the necessary regulations and standards and support their introduction in Estonia and Latvia.

Main standardisation interest

There are no relevant regulations and standards for the production, distribution and use of pure hydrogen in Estonian and Latvian legislation. The relevant authorities do not know what to be guided by, for example, when issuing construction and use permits. In order to implement the activities of the project, it is necessary to implement the relevant regulations. The situation is the same in different member states.

Project Acronym: H2Value


Grant Agreement Id: 101083881

Start Date:

End Date: