Project Name: Advancing Sustainability of Process<br />Industries through Digital and Circular Water Use Innovations
AquaSPICE aims to promote circular water use in European Process Industries, emphasising resource-efficiency and providing compact solutions for industrial applications. The project integrates state-of-the-art water treatment and re-use technologies, diverse closed-loop practices for water, energy, and substances, and a cyber-physical-system controller for real-time monitoring and optimisation of water use. It also establishes an effective methodological, regulatory, and business framework. AquaSPICE's innovations are driven by case studies involving industrial actors in several EU countries and focus on a systemic approach to water management, optimising efficiency across different levels of operation. The project facilitates the immediate uptake and replication of innovations through strategic plans, offering solutions suitable for various scenarios.
Standardisation objectives:
Ensuring that the project's technological development aligns with existing and future consensus-based standards, particularly focusing on open standards. By adhering to established standards, the project aims to facilitate technical procurement processes, making it easier to acquire necessary resources and technologies.
To support communication through standardised terminology and concepts: Establishing a common language and understanding within the consortium and beyond. By adopting standardised terminology and concepts, the project aims to enhance communication effectiveness among stakeholders, thus promoting collaboration and clarity in project-related discussions.
To ensure interoperability: By adhering to established standards and promoting interoperability, the project aims to ensure that its technologies are compatible with other systems, fit for their intended purpose, and relevant in the market. This objective is crucial for the successful integration and adoption of the project's solutions within industrial environments.
Reason for applying to services
They would appreciate receiving recommendations on interoperability and standards that can be applied in the project, not only existing standards but also contributing to the creation of future ones. It's important to involve the consortium in standardisation activities both during and after the project. Additionally, the project aims to support the acceleration of new regulations and standards by evaluating existing standards for their applicability to the project and providing recommendations to standardisation organisations.
Project Acronym: AquaSPICE

Grant Agreement Id: 958396
Start Date:
End Date:
Programme: H2020
Call for proposal: SC5-04-2019
Funding Scheme: IA - Innovation action