
Project Name: Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI


The AISym4MED project is developing a secure and trustworthy platform to accelerate the development of robust AI solutions in healthcare. By enabling secure data sharing, synthetic data generation, and comprehensive data and model auditing, AISym4MED aims to improve medical research, enhance patient outcomes, and contribute to European leadership in AI-driven healthcare innovation.

The difficulty in accessing and utilising healthcare data hinders AI innovation in Europe. AISym4MED addresses this challenge by building a platform that facilitates secure data sharing and provides researchers with high-quality data, including synthetic data, for developing and validating AI models. This platform will adhere to European data protection standards and promote responsible AI development.

Reason for applying to services

With the support of the Standardisation Booster service, the project seeks to get a better knowledge of the whole standardisation landscape applicable to Trustworthy AI and Synthetic Data in the context of healthcare applications, and to understand how it can integrate it into the data and model auditing tools of the AISym4Med platform. Moreover, it would also like to understand how its work on synthetic health data can facilitate the identification of new standards or the validation of existing ones in this field.

Project Acronym: AISym4Med


Grant Agreement Id: 101095387

Start Date:

End Date:

Programme: HorizonEurope

Call for proposal: HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-02

Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action