Full Name:
Klaus Hoeckner
Job title: Chief Executive Officer
Organisation Name: Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
Country: Austria
Open Call Topics
- Health
- E-Health and personalised services: Accessibility, Assisted living, Mobile applications
- Resilience
- Data protection and cybersecurity: IT security
- Sustainable digitalisation
- Data quality and Artificial Intelligence: AI-based decision-making solutions (HR, legislation, labour), Data interoperability, Ethical data usage, Trustworthy AI
- Access to and usage of data: Data interoperability, eGovernment, Ethical data usage, Internet of things, Internet protocols
- Data and cybersecurity: Identity management
- Smart Cities and Circular Economy in Buildings
- Transportation: Connected cars
- Green buildings: Intelligent buildings
- Austria: ASI – Austrian Standards Institute
Technical Committees and Working Groups
- Member ASI in den Kommittes
- K001 Informationstechnologie und deren Anwendungen
- K258 Betreutes Wohnen
- K133 Grafische Informationssysteme
- K196 Technische Hilfen für Menschen mit Behinderung
- K228 Dienstleistungen im Transportwesen
- ON-AG 001 42 Artificial Intelligence
- former Member der High Level Experts Group on Artificial Intelligence at the Commission of the EU
- Member at CEN TC http://www.cen.eu
- TC 428 - Digital competences and ICT Professionalism
- TC 314 - Ageing societies
- TC 293 WG 12 - Accessibility
- Member at ISO – International Standardisation Organisation in TCs
- ISO/CEI/JTC 001/SC 35 – User Interfaces
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 – Artificial Intelligence
- ISO/TC 314 – Aging Societies