Full Name:
Aditya Mohan
Job title: Standards Development Manager, Artificial Intelligence
Organisation Name: National Standards Authority of Ireland
Country: Ireland
LinkedIn Profile
Project Assignment/s
Open Call Topics
- Health
- AI in Healthcare: AI health services
- Sustainable digitalisation
- Data quality and Artificial Intelligence: AI-based decision-making solutions (HR, legislation, labour), Trustworthy AI
- ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- CEN – European Committee for Standardisation
- Ireland: NSAI – National Standards Authority of Ireland
Technical Committees and Working Groups
- ISO/JTC1/SC42/WG3 (SC42 is the subcommittee for AI and WG3 is the working group for Trustworthy AI)
- Secretary for WG3 and a contributor to Roadmap Ad hoc Group
- CEN-CENELEC/JTC21 (Joint Technical Committee on AI for European Standards )
- SRAHG (Standardization Request Ad-Hoc Group for AI at CEN-CENELEC)
- Member of JTC21/AHG4 ( Human Language Processing , my area of professional expertise and commercial experience)
- NSAI/TC02/SC18 National Mirror Committee on AI.
- Secretary of the committee.