- Beginner 1, Course 2
Modern life is not possible without standards that are present all around us. You can plug all the electrical products you buy into the same socket, and each TV will receive a signal from the local broadcaster. To replace tires on a car, you only need to know the marks - all manufacturers produce tires following the dimensions and marking standards. At the same time, on the market of products manufactured in
accordance with the standards, it is possible to find many products of different quality, classes or types. Product standards do not define all product characteristics but only some important for functioning, safety, or interoperability.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Understand the basic meaning of standards and standardisation;
- Explain how and why consensus has a different meaning in standardisation;
- Explain why standardisation can be called “the habit-forming process of the industry”; and
- Understand that, based on different points of view, standard can be defined as a document (for Standard makers) or solution (for standard takers).