Project Name: EUropean ROBotic framework for bipedal locomotion bENCHmarking

Open Call Topic(s): Health


Human-centred robots, such as prostheses, exoskeletons and humanoids, are becoming increasingly relevant worldwide. Many prototypes are moving out of the lab into everyday applications in a wide range of market domains. Several roadblocks exist in this process. Some of these are technical, while others are related to the lack of reliable performance/safety indicators for these devices to meet international certifications and standardisation requirements. 

EUROBENCH created the first European framework for the application of benchmarking methodology on robotic systems. The framework, specifically focused on bipedal robotic technologies, included methods (benchmarking software) and tools (two testing facilities) to measure system abilities in a rigorous, quantitative and replicable way. The successful deployment of these tools will put Europe at the focal point of the evaluation of robotic systems, facilitating the process of bringing innovative robotic technologies forward to market.

Reason for applying to services

The next step will be to convert more of the test methods developed in EUROBENCH into standards. We are not sure whether the best strategy is following the same process already adopted (CWA and then NWIP at ISO), or directly proposing an NWIP to ISO without passing through a CWA (which also has a considerable cost)

I am personally involved in TC299 group as a national expert, but any good support from your side would be very welcome to see what is the best strategy to adopt, and also whether it will be possible to get funding from any EU channels to support this standardisation activity, which require a lot of time.

Another point is the overlap with ASTM. I am aware that ASTM F48 Committee is producing several similar test methods focused on exoskeleton technology. How to avoid overlaps and strengthen complementarities?

Main Standardisation Interests

In the sustainability roadmap of the EUROBENCH project, one important point is the translation of the test methods developed in the project into International Standards. An example of this is the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 17664:2021 "Lower-limb wearable devices-Performance test method for walking on uneven terrain", accessible here:

This CWA has been prepared during the project thanks to the collaboration of several entities. Our intention is to propose this as a NWIP to the ISO, through the TC299 / WG4.

Project Acronym: EUROBENCH


Grant Agreement Id: 779963

Start Date:

End Date:

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Call for proposal: H2020-ICT-2016-2017

Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action