Project Name: Security framework to achieve a continuous audit-based certification in compliance with the EU-wide cloud security certification scheme

Open Call Topic(s): Sustainable digitalisation


Cloud computing is an essential element of innovative economies. The European Commission’s recent Data Strategy aims to make it possible for European businesses to access more secure, sustainable, interoperable, environmentally friendly and scalable cloud infrastructures and services. Despite trust-building efforts, the adoption of cloud computing is limited. A perceived lack of security and transparency is the reason for the slow uptake. The EU-funded MEDINA project will work to counter this trend. It will propose a framework for achieving a continuous audit-based certification for cloud service providers, complying with the EU Cybersecurity Act. The project will also address the definition and assessment of technical and organisational measures, security testing, machine-readable certification language and audit evidence management.

Reason for applying to services

Our main interest in the Standardization Booster is to enhance our own MEDINA roadmap, by discussing with standardization experts other venues where the project's contributions would bring the potential for standardization. This "landscape analysis" should take into account the timings of the identified SSO/SDO provided MEDINA's lifetime.

Once we have found additional standardization potential, which complements the one identified in the current roadmap, we will appreciate the Booster's support for actively engaging with those new SSO/SDO. Needless to say that we are also open to receiving expert feedback on our current roadmap, which could result in re-focalizing some of our standardization activities to provide a higher impact to the community.

Main standardisation interest

We have a particular interest in open standards, so we have also started to explore synergies with ETSI TC CYBER. Further support in these efforts (or similar within the field of open standards) will be welcome by MEDINA.

Project Acronym: MEDINA


Grant Agreement Id: 952633

Start Date:

End Date:

Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Call for proposal: H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020

Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action